Boys who commit to the CATTA’s system benefit tremendously, and the outcomes are noticeable and sustainable:
- 56% of parents reported decreased school suspensions and increased positive decision-making
- 78% of CATTA students improved their grade point average one letter grade in 16-weeks without tutoring
- 98% of parents reported their sons have developed spiritually and became more emotionally stable
- 100% of CATTA students who were victims of physical bullying report that they are no longer bullied
In 2017, we launched a fundraiser to purchase a building that would help us open enrollment to the now over 700+ boys on our waiting list, as well as meet a national demand to scale our Emotional Stability Training®. The generous donations of many helped us not only secure a mortgage but also complete the first phase of renovations! However, there's still more work to be done in order for us to create a replicable model to be scaled nationally. Your tax-deductible donation will help get us closer to making the CATTA available for everyone!
To learn more about The Cave of Adullam Transformational Training Academy, please visit www.thecatta.org. Thank you in advance!