Financial Literacy & Career Readiness
Financial Literacy and Career Readiness Coaching
Financial Literacy coaching in adolescence empowers the youth with information and the ability to understand how money works in the world: how someone is able to earn it, how that person manages it, how he/she invests it (or turns it into more) and how that person donates it to help others. The technical definition of Financial literacy, is the possession of the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources.
Our facilitators will provide Interactive Activities and lessons on:
- Saving
- Investing (Stocks/Trading)
- Budgeting
- Loans (Interest, Principles, etc.)
- Credit Cards
There will be discussions on other topics relative to Financial Literacy as well! It is imperative that our youth be prepared as early as possible about the value of finances and how to manage and multiply their finances effectively so that they can be financially secure in the future.
A Career-Ready individual effectively navigates pathways that connect education and employment; to achieve a fulfilling, financially-secure and successful career. In this session, students learn about ways to identify which career path they’d like to take and the possible steps they can take to reach that career goal
Facilitators will actively engage students by providing interactive activities and lessons on :
- Job interviewing (Mock Interviews)
- Phone etiquette
- Communication skills
- Proper interviewing attire
- Networking
Other topics relative to Career Readiness will be discussed as well.
Parents/caregivers are encouraged to discuss these topics as well. Learn and Grow Together!