Keys Camp COVID19 Safety Practices
for Face to Face Programming
Below are the safety practices that will be followed for the Keys 2 Life Programming for in-person field trips.
All staff and participants will be masked at all times.
The Yunion shall require staff to receive a negative COVID-19 test within 14 days of returning to work.
The Yunion shall provide staff with training that promotes behaviors to reduce the spread of the virus such as, but not limited to, staying home when sick, respiratory etiquette, and practicing hand hygiene (including hand washing with soap and water regularly).
Yunion staff shall participate in daily temperature checks by utilizing temperature kiosks placed in various locations.
Yunion staff shall be required to affirm they are not experiencing Covid-19 symptoms prior to entering a building or office space by completing health screenings.
The Yunion shall provide all necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for staff persons when in any face to face program location.
Yunion staff shall comply with posted signage promoting social distancing and safe practices.
The Yunion shall limit the sharing of equipment, supplies, and other items between staff and students.
The Yunion shall limit non-essential staff from visiting any face to face program location.
All inside rooms will be sanitized, implementing the sanitizing procedures established by the MDHHS and CDC. Established COVID safety protocols will be maintained.
Tables, desks and other surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected frequently. Students will not share items, each student will have their own supplies, if applicable
Handwashing or hand sanitizing stations will be provided throughout the face to face program event to encourage healthy hand hygiene.