11 EYT Parent – POST TEST Introduction: You are being asked to fill out this survey because you are part of the Empowering Youth Program (EYT) throughThis survey asks you what you think about sexual risk avoidance and sex. You can choose to fill out this survey or not fill out this survey. You can skip any question you do not want to answer. You can stop filling out the survey at any time. You will not gain anything from filling out this survey. Your answers will help us make the program better. The survey is completely anonymous. This means no one will know your answers including your child(ren) or program teacher(s). Do not write your name anywhere on this survey. There are no right or wrong answers. Please read each question carefully. Clearly mark your answer to each question with a check mark. Mark only one answer for each question or each row in a table unless the question says to select more than one response. Here are some definitions to help you answer the questions: Sexual Intercourse (“sex”): sex can result in pregnancy, which is the act in which the external male reproductive organ – penis - enters the female reproductive tract - vagina Partner: a boyfriend or girlfriendSexual risk avoidance: education that teaches youth to voluntarily refrain from sexual activity STI: an infection you can get from having sex Pregnant/Pregnancy: having a baby 1. Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? No Yes 2. Are you of Arab/Chaldean origin? No Yes 3. What is your race? One or more categories may be selected White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 4. What is your gender? Female Male 5. How old were you when you had your first child? 19 or younger 20-24 25-29 30 or older 6. Has your child(ren) ever been in a class or program that talks about sexual risk avoidance? Yes No Don’t know 7. Is your child(ren) currently participating in EYT? Yes No Don’t know 7a. If yes, what is the age of your oldest child participating in EYT? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 or older 8. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about sexual risk avoidance and sex?It is all right for teens to have sex if they are in love.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeEven if they do not get pregnant, having sex can cause teens a lot of problems.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeThe best way for young people to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or a STI is to not have sex.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeI don’t think it is a good idea for teens to have sex.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeIt is okay for my child to say no when someone wants to touch him/her or wants my child to touch him/her.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeDrinking alcohol and using drugs make it harder to avoid having sex.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeMy beliefs about whether or not teens should have sex are similar to my child(ren)’s beliefs.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly Agree9. We would like to know how you feel about your experiences with EYT through[Enter site/ program name here]Your feedback will help us to make the program better.The program gave me the skills I need to talk with my child(ren) about sexual risk avoidance.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeThe program gave me the skills I need to talk with my child(ren) about sex.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeThe program gave me the skills I need to talk with my child(ren) about risky behaviors (like drinking and using drugs).NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I will talk more with my child(ren) about sexual risk avoidanceNO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I will talk more with my child(ren) about sex .NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I will talk more with my child(ren) about dating.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I will talk more with my child(ren) about risky behaviors.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I know more about STIs.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I have a better understanding of how sex can affect a teenager’s life.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I have a better understanding of how risky activities can affect a teenager’s life.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I am more certain of my beliefs regarding sexual risk avoidance and sex.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeAfter the program, I am better prepared to support my child(ren) in choosing to not to have sex.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly AgreeI was satisfied with the program overall.NO! Strongly DisagreeNo, DisagreeYes, AgreeYES! Strongly Agree10. How helpful was the program in helping you find resources in your community? Not at all helpful Not helpful Helpful Very helpful 11. Please list any community resources (such as community agencies, hotlines, or community resource websites) you learned about during this program.12. Is there anything else you would like to share?