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Virtual Training

April 15, 2020

Yesterday evening, our founder/CEO Jason Wilson taught The Cave of Adullam recruits how to mediate and release trauma associated with #COVID19.

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April 14, 2020

We are honored to partner with the United Way of Southeastern Michigan in working tirelessly to help youth and families access critical resources during the COVID-19 crisis!

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Virtual Programs

April 10, 2020

We are happy to announce that the Yunion has launched our S.W.A.G., Pitch U, Standing in the Gap, STEM Drone, and Citi Camp mentoring programs virtually.

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March 18, 2020

This is how it all started—up early, training alone and praying as the Most High teaches me how to feed and train His sheep. This virtual training curriculum will open opportunities for more boys to be taught, trained and transformed. 

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This Is A Reality

March 17, 2020

Our founder/CEO Jason Wilson is diligently working with our webmaster JDWeb Solutions to complete the virtual training for The Cave of Adullam!

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Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 11, 2020

The Yunion’s Standing in the Gap HIV Prevention Program serves girls and women that are at most risk for contracting HIV with evidence based prevention education, counseling, and testing services.

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We are almost there!

February 26, 2020

We are almost there! Prayerfully we will be able to open enrollment next month!

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Staff Break Room

February 7, 2020

Our staff break room is almost finished—God is so good!

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Staff First Tour In Our New Building

January 22, 2020

Our staff got their first tour of our new building—we will be moving in soon!

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Get Our Building Ready!

January 16, 2020

we stay up late working to get our building ready for The Yunion and The Cave of Adullam staff to move in tomorrow!

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Muncie Mudokwan—may these mats be a blessing to you.

January 12, 2020

I pray that the Most High will continue to give me the vision, wisdom and fortitude to not only lead this ministry, but also, expand its territory into the lives of millions of boys and young men in dire need of His transformational power.

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A long day working to get our new space ready for the new year!

December 31, 2019

My son did an excellent job helping me frame, board up and apply the first coat of mud to a wall.

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We’re getting close!

December 25, 2019

We’re getting close! 

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The “People of The Yunion” at our Staff Holiday Brunch

December 21, 2019

The “People of The Yunion” at our Staff Holiday Brunch. Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

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December 1, 2019

It’s said that “good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”

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We are getting close to our goal—this is so possible!

November 27, 2019

Thank you to everyone who donated—we are getting close to our goal—this is so possible!

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