Dead Weight or Living Weight?
Let the dead bury the dead. – Yahusha Hamashiach (Jesus Christ)
Although a dead and living body weighs the same, there’s a noticeable difference when lifting the two. Have you ever had to lift someone who was unconscious? It takes a lot of effort because the unconscious body hangs loose and limp, absorbing our attempts to lift and carry them. However lifting a conscious person (i.e. someone awake) may be challenging, however it’s much easier to lift and carry them because the conscious person can offer assistance even if they are injured. Also the conscious person’s muscles tensing offers the resistance needed for us to support them, unlike the unconscious person whose limp body constantly absorbs our efforts. Selah
This morning as I pondered 2016, the most emotionally crushing and physically challenging year in my life; the Holy Spirit passionately advised me to “Cease carrying dead weight (i.e. dead people). Jason it’s worn you out and if you continue to do so, you will not be able to follow Yahusha (Jesus) with the endurance needed to complete the journey He’s set before you.”
It’s absolutely imperative the we know how to discern dead weight from living weight, so that we will know who and what to carry and what to cast down. In the natural, dead weight is the negative, soulish and selfish non-purpose driven people in our lives, and spiritually, dead weight are our thoughts that oppose the will of God. It is even written that we are to cast those down as well. In contrast, living weight are kingdom minded and spiritually driven people, who undergird and encourage us as we both seek the will of God.
Earlier this year, I had the health scare of my life. My blood had began to agglutinate (clot), and I was at the door step of a heart attack. The years of people pleasing in ministry, the inability to say ‘no’ to a ‘need’ and making someone else’s problem my emergency, finally caught up with me. After 4 months of adhering to my holistic doctor’s advice, I was healed! I remember one day during a follow up appointment he asked me, “Jason, you are clearly a lion, but a lion who runs with Hyenas will eventually become so fatigued that the Hyenas will take all that he has killed and then kill him.”
I tell you the truth my brothers and sisters; be careful in trying to become all things to and for all people, because you may never become the person Adonai (the LORD) called you to be. Soulish driven humans are by nature selfish, and if you’re gifted, they will drain you like a natural resource until you’re gone. It took me six years of breaking/disciplining of the Holy Spirit to completely understand why I cannot serve man and the Most High God. Now the misplaced guilt associated with ministerial people pleasing falls to my feet, as I seek to please the Most High with no concern for others’ critique.
May this morning meditation bless and encourage your day. Scriptures for Meditation: Matt 8:22, Titus 3:10, 2 Cor 10:5, Pro 13:20, 2 Cor 6:14 and Gal 1:10
Shalom Aleichem,
Jason Wilson
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