Did You Know?

Parents, “Did You Know?”
Most adolescents support reserving sex for marriage, both in general and for themselves.
Though it may seem that’s the opposite based on what we see in the media and from the culture.
Parents continue to communicate with your child around these topics and see what their thoughts are and share your values on these topics in word and deed.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010) National Survey of Adolescents and Their Parents: Attitudes and Opinions About Sex and Abstinence. Washington, D. C.: HHS. Accessed August 29, 2011, at http://www.acf.hhs.gov/…/docs/20090226_abstinence.pdf)

Confronting the Spirit of Laziness in Boys

September 3, 2014

God never uses lazy people. Unfortunately due to the curse after the fall (Gen 3:17-19), the natural inclination of boys and men is to avoid hard work. This is why so many get lost in chasing a dream, instead of their purpose. In this short…

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Disciplined While Having Fun

August 18, 2014

Usually I would have a lesson prepared for each training, but when I walked into the building, and saw that the bouncy we rented for our summer camp was still there, this day became an impromptu Father and Son competition! What’s a blessing is that…

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Wounded & Abandoned

May 19, 2014

This is the best display I’ve seen regarding the father wound. I know this feeling all too well and remember many disappointing occasions like this with my father. I also remember saying to my father the very words Will Smith said to his uncle in…

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