18 Saving Chasity – Satisfaction Survey 1. Saving Chasity Session 1 ( Getting to Know You)a. The Getting to Know You session provided helpful general information about the curriculum and was a good use of my time.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree2. Saving Chastiy Session 2 and 3 ( The Pressure) part 1 and 2a. The information presented helped me to better understand the importance of making goals for myself and a plan to success in life.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. I gained a better understanding of how my environment ( peers, family, social media, community) influence my decisionsStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreec. I gained a better understanding of self-worth and value through the price tag activity.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree3. Saving Chasity Session 4 (Who Really Defines Who You Are)a. I learned about more healthy relationships and how to locate health information.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. I gained a better understand of manhood/womenhood through the videos?Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree4. Saving Chasity Session 5 (Truth and Myths)a. I gained a better understanding of the male and female anatomy( body).Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree5. Saving Chasity Session 6 ( Knowing My Own Voice)a. I learned solutions for overcoming peer pressureStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. I feel more confident that I can express my opinions and feelings ( being assertive)Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree6. Saving Chasity Session 7 ( How to Let it Go)a. I learned useful information about conflict resolution and how to use it during a confrontationStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. I learned how to use nonviolent strategies to manage or resolve conflictStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree7. Saving Chasity Session 8 ( The Cost of Sex)a. I learned something new about STI’sStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. I learned new information about STD’sStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreec. I learned something new about teen pregnancyStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree8. Saving Chasity Session 9 ( My Future is Bigger than this Moment)a. I learned something new about Human Papolloma virus (HPV)Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. I learned new information about dating and sexual decision makingStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreec. I learned how to put a plan in place to help in abstaining from sex.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreed. The sexual decision making scenarios helped me understand sexual decision makingStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree9. Saving Chasity Session 10 ( Success is Planned)a. I now have more confidence in my ability to identify the risk associated with pre-marital sex.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. I now have more confidence in my ability to practice healthy behaviors.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree10. Saving Chasity Session 11 ( Knowing my Rights)a. I gained a better understanding of the drugs that will prevent me from functioning in a normal way.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree11. Saving Chasity Session 12 ( Congratulations)a. I learned how to set a personal health goal and track my progress towards achievement.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree12. Saving Chasity Overalla. Overall, the Saving Chastity Curriculum was usefulStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreeb. It was helpful to have a list of vocabulary termsStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agreec. The learned how to make a plan to make successful decisions through the Saving Chasity video seriesStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree13. What could we have done to improve the Saving Chastity program?14. What do you consider to be the strengths of the Saving Chastity program?15. Was there any issue or topic you expected this program to cover that it did not address