01 SIG Session 1 Eval Please take a moment to rate how effective we were in presenting information to you today.Below are a number of statements. Please rate each statements on a scale from 1-5, where "1" means we did a poor job and "5" means we did an excellent job.1. I feel more pride in myself as an African American woman.123452. I have a better understanding of the importance of personal values.123453. I feel I got a lot out of the in-class games/exercises we did today.123454. Any questions I had were clearly answered.123455. The handouts were helpful.123456. The group discussions were interesting and informative.123457. Overall, how would you rate the performance of the group leaders? Please circle a number.123456789108. Overall, how would you rate today's session? Please circle a number.123456789109. How could this session be improved?10. Any other comments?