05 SIG Session 5 Eval Please take a moment to rate how effective we were in presenting information to you today.Below are a number of statements. Please rate each statements on a scale from 1-5, where "1" means we did a poor job and "5" means we did an excellent job.1. I feel I got a lot out of the role-play situations about coping.123452. I am confident I can apply these coping skills in my life.123453. I have a better understanding of the effects of drugs and alcohol.123454. Any questions I had were clearly answered.123455. The handouts were helpful.123456. The group discussions were informative.123457. The review of the Key Learning Points we covered in earlier sessions of SISTA was worthwhile.123458. Overall, how would you rate the performance of the group leaders? Please circle a number.123456789109. Overall, how would you rate today's session? Please circle a number.1234567891010. Overall, how would you rate the SISTA intervention? Please circle a number.1234567891011. How could Session 5 be improved?12. Any other comments?13. As a result of last week's session, I made some positive changes in my life. Yes No Did not attend last week's session. If you checked yes, please describe below the changes you made.