
Hey, Parents! Did you know?

Hey parents! Did you know… 🤔
✖️Nearly 33% of children are obese and malnourished. This increases lack of energy, lower academic performance, poor concentration, memory loss, and can even lower life expectancy!⁣
✖️Diet plays a HUGE role in children physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our kids, and even as adults, need foods that are high in nutrition. 🍎
✖️63% of America’s calories come from processed foods like soft drinks, packaged snacks and desserts, and other refined foods. ⁣
✖️25% of America’s calories come from animal-based foods. ⁣
✖️And only 12% of America’s calories come from plant-based foods. ⁣
✖️Unfortunately, half of the plant-based calories (6%) come from french fries.🍟 That means only 6% of those calories are coming from health-promoting fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. 🥦
Got any yummy recipes for a healthy, kid-friendly meal? Drop them in the comments below or shoot us a DM!👇

Confronting the Spirit of Laziness in Boys

September 3, 2014

God never uses lazy people. Unfortunately due to the curse after the fall (Gen 3:17-19), the natural inclination of boys and men is to avoid hard work. This is why so many get lost in chasing a dream, instead of their purpose. In this short…

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Disciplined While Having Fun

August 18, 2014

Usually I would have a lesson prepared for each training, but when I walked into the building, and saw that the bouncy we rented for our summer camp was still there, this day became an impromptu Father and Son competition! What’s a blessing is that…

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Wounded & Abandoned

May 19, 2014

This is the best display I’ve seen regarding the father wound. I know this feeling all too well and remember many disappointing occasions like this with my father. I also remember saying to my father the very words Will Smith said to his uncle in…

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