NEWCC Equitable Internet Initiative
The Yunion is dedicated to providing you with community resources in line with our goals of Loving Youth and Uniting Families. We are excited to share information with you about FREE high-speed internet coming to the North End through the NEWCC Equitable Internet Initiative (EII)! OUR PARTICIPANTS MUST LIVE IN THE 48202 or 48211 zip code!
The main goals of EII are to increase Internet access through the development of community wireless networks, train residents in neighborhoods with the skills necessary to build these networks and bring their communities online. Once the networks are built, we will teach youth to build applications that can live on the intranet of these networks. We hope these applications offer a safe space for neighbors to communicate, collaborate, generate problem-solving, and inspire ideas for the future.
There are two programs within the Equitable Internet Initiative.
1) Digital Stewards Training. This program will train neighborhood leaders in the technical and community organizing skills necessary to redistribute Gigabit Internet connections to homes with low or no previous Internet connections.
2) Next Gen App Development. This program will train high school and middle school youth in web development skills for the Gigabit environment.
Upon completion of an initial training, participants will be eligible to apply for apprenticeships under both programs.
Get Involved by FIRST completing this SURVEY and then consider…
- Applying to be a Digital Steward.
- Hosting a router on your roof to spread the Internet in your neighborhood.
- Sitting on a neighborhood advisory board about digital access in your neighborhood…
This information is brought to you by #theyunion #lovingyouth #unitingfamilies
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