

Please take a moment to read Chris Ramirez caption to this picture… POWERFUL!
It’s quite ironic that as I was reading this, I tried to hide my tears at coffee shops, the break rooms at work, and in my car in between shifts. This one broke me. It reminded me of many details in my life that determined the course of my personality: my actions, choices, and REactions.
Mr. Jason Wilson, thank you for heeding to the Lord’s call in your life. Despite all of the internal warfare, God gave you the same transformative power as those in the New Testament that heard “rise up and walk” to overcome circumstances and to simply, forgive. To love. To be intentional. To learn and love Truth. In today’s age, my generation of young men (as well as yours), sees this as a form of weakness as you so intricately unravel through your story.
I can’t tell you how many times I heard the phrases “oh stop being a b*!%#” or “you’re such a p***” for simply saying no, refusing to engage in an act that would result in someone else getting hurt, or showing more emotion than socially acceptable.
To my young men: I say this with the purest intentions; give up the façade. It’s hurting you, the ones closest to you, & causing you to harbor things the human heart was never meant to hold.
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To my older folk who led us astray: we forgive you. And I say this with the biggest lump in my throat; we still love you. But what you taught us almost destroyed us. I say that not to cause shame, but from a regenerated heart pleading with you to come to terms with your unresolved traumas because what you do or say, MATTERS. It’s life-changing.
To my women: if any man around you is being too “emotional”, just know that for what ever the reason, the man was driven to an unbelievable low.. please don’t take advantage of him in that state. You play an incredibly significant role. He (we) need you more than ever in those times. Please continue welcoming us with gracious & merciful arms.
To all of my men who cry like men (I’ve tagged a few): thank you for exuding Christ-like humility in the face of adversity. Although stumbling.

Reclaiming God’s Rest from Your Grind

November 14, 2015

I originally recorded this video devotion for men because so many of us are literally dying from the grind of life. However after recording, it became evident, that this message is for both genders. I pray this short video devotion will expose the schemes of…

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The Lack of Sexual Self Control

November 12, 2015

Now David’s son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Tamar. And Amnon, her half brother, fell desperately in love with her. Amnon became so obsessed with Tamar that he became ill. – 2 Samuel 13:1-2 Many of us men have become so obsessed with the…

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Delayed Discipline

May 11, 2015

Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. – Ecclesiastes 8:11 In the recent years, we’ve seen this scripture fulfilled when young men riot because a judgment…

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Pulled Over But Poised

February 25, 2015

Two nights ago while taking one of my students home, I was pulled over by two Warren Michigan police vehicles for “allegedly” speeding (35 in a 30 mph zone). My student says, “You weren’t speeding.” I tell him, “This is not the time to be…

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Baby Toys & Raising Boys

February 19, 2015

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, think, reason like a child; when I became a man, I put away childish things.” – 1 Corinthians 13:11 One morning as I prepared my 7 year old son’s breakfast, I noticed that he was still…

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Performing For A Fathers Love

December 5, 2014

This morning during his breakfast, I noticed my son trying to study for a speed spelling test after he discovered he scored low on a prior one. Although I despise multitasking, I encouraged him for his effort but told him to stop studying and eat.…

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Training for Godliness – 1 Timothy 4:8

September 6, 2014

The Cave of Adullam’s training was very good today. We got some good physical training in, which is of some value, but the focus was training for godliness, which is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come (1 Tim…

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Confronting the Spirit of Laziness in Boys

September 3, 2014

God never uses lazy people. Unfortunately due to the curse after the fall (Gen 3:17-19), the natural inclination of boys and men is to avoid hard work. This is why so many get lost in chasing a dream, instead of their purpose. In this short…

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Disciplined While Having Fun

August 18, 2014

Usually I would have a lesson prepared for each training, but when I walked into the building, and saw that the bouncy we rented for our summer camp was still there, this day became an impromptu Father and Son competition! What’s a blessing is that…

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Wounded & Abandoned

May 19, 2014

This is the best display I’ve seen regarding the father wound. I know this feeling all too well and remember many disappointing occasions like this with my father. I also remember saying to my father the very words Will Smith said to his uncle in…

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