S.W.A.G. is a holistic prevention program offered primarily to middle school students but available to high school students as well. As an acronym for Students With Awareness and Goals, the aim is to equip and empower youth to make healthy life choices that will enable them to confidently navigate through obstacles and challenges. Encompassing abstinence from sex, violence, alcohol and drugs, this 12-week prevention program features 90-minute interactive sessions on topics such as self-esteem, communication skills, decision-making, goal setting, conflict resolution, relationships, and adolescent development among others. The length and frequency of the sessions are flexible but the goal is a minimum of 14 contact hours with participants. Parents and caregivers are equipped to support youth who choose abstinence through The Yunion’s Parental Advisory Training. Incentives, along with participant led special events such as prom campaigns and PSAs, augment intensive programming as a way to ensure youth ownership, and cultural relevance. Programs like S.W.A.G. are vital to our youth fulfilling their potential. With it, we can help change attitudes and values that ultimately lead to thriving communities where abstinence is embraced.
- Healthy Relationship Skills
- Resiliency & Goal Setting Communication Skills
- The Confidence to Resist Negative Peer Pressure
- Improved Self-Esteem & Decision Making Skills
- Increased Leadership Capacity