
Middle Adolescence Physical Development

Ages 10 to 14: Early Adolescence
Physical Growth & Development
• Puberty for many children and pre-teens begins during this stage of adolescence.
• Pre-teens experience both physical growth and sexual development,which can be uncomfortable for pre-teens and teens.
• Body changes during early adolescence may include developing hair under the arms and in the pubic area, testicular enlargement in males,
and breast development in females.
• Changes usually start happening earlier for females than for males. Females may start developing a year or two ahead of boys in most cases.
• Changes can start as early as age 8 in females and age 9 for males but can become more noticeable at the onset of adolescence.
Mental & Emotional Development
• Pre-teens and teens begin to assert more independence as they move through the stages of adolescence.
This means they may rebel, especially when parents reinforce rules and set limits.
• Children of this age group often have an increased need for privacy, another sign of wanting more independence and less supervision.
• They may also require more privacy to deal with the curiosity and anxiety that come with body changes and new feelings.
• It’s common for pre-teens to become more focused on themselves, or a bit egocentric.
Their thoughts and feelings are centered on themselves, making them self-conscious.
• At this point, kids start feeling like they are always being judged by people, especially their peers.
• At this point in adolescence, children have a very “black-and-white” thought process.
Something is either right or wrong, with no room for other interpretation.
They see things as either amazing or awful, rarely ever just “okay.”
Ages 15 to 17: Middle Adolescence
Physical Development
Changes from puberty are still happening in teens during middle adolescence.
• Physical changes in females may have slowed down or finished, but by this age most will start having regular menstrual periods.
• Most males will have started their pubescent growth spurt
• Male’s voices begin to lower and there may be a period where the voice cracks.
• Acne develops in both males and females. Mental & Emotional Development
• As the brain continues to develop, thought processes mature during this time, however, they still do not process things like adults yet.
o The frontal lobes are the last parts of the brain to develop and are not fully mature by this stage. The frontal lobes are responsible for complex decision making, judgment, impulse control, and considering the consequences of actions.
• Teens at this age may be able to start thinking in the abstract and start seeing the bigger picture rather than the specifics of one situation.
They can use logic but are still primarily driven by emotion.
• Teens of this age start feeling interested in romantic and sexual relationships.
• Exploration of their sense of identity as well as beliefs and values is common.
Some teens want to fit in with their peers while others want to assert their individuality.
Ages 18 to 24: Late Adolescence
Physical Development
During late adolescence, physical development has been completed for most young people.
Most people have grown to their full adult heights. Mental & Emotional Development
The brain is completing its development during late adolescence.
However, the frontal lobe will not fully develop until around age 25.
That’s why some people consider late adolescence to be ages 18 to 24.
• Young people in this age range usually have better impulse control and decision-making skills than in middle adolescence.
Risks and rewards are more accurately evaluated.
• There is a stronger sense of identity in older adolescents.
• Values and beliefs are often solidified during this stage.
• Independence increases as many young adults separate from their parents to live outside their childhood homes.
• Established relationships with parents, siblings, and other family members may change in nature now that adulthood has nearly been reached.
• Thoughts may turn to the future and decisions may be based on their beliefs, desires, and hopes.

Trauma Informed Parenting

July 18, 2024

Wellness Wednesday Trauma Informed Parenting

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Keys 2 Life Family Breakfast

July 12, 2024

It’s safe to say our “Family Breakfast” was a hit at camp! Our campers parents came out and showed their support by cooking an amazing meal for everyone to enjoy 🥞🥓 This was definitely a time that will be remembered!

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Restorative Parenting – Using Restorative Circles

July 11, 2024

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Truths We All Need To Remember As Parents

June 18, 2024

For the parents giving it their all—this one is for you 🫵🏾🫶🏾 – – – #wordsofaffirmation #parentingtips #parentingadvice #positiveparenting #parenting101 #childdevelopment

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Conscious Conversations – Creating A Restorative Family Culture Pt. 1

June 13, 2024

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This Children’s Day Cherish Every Moment

June 9, 2024

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The Tea On Giving Back

June 6, 2024

Giving back is in our DNA.🧬 Help us give a round of applause to our Workforce Development team for assisting the @detroitphoenixcenter in transforming their supply room and creating a welcoming space for the 1,000+ young people they serve each year. 👏🏾✨ At The Yunion,…

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Join Our Mission To Empower Youth And Combat Negative Cultural Influences

May 30, 2024

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Journey To Healing Resilience

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Recent Visit To Curry Motor Sports

May 23, 2024

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69th Annual NAACP Fight For Freedom Fund Dinner

May 23, 2024

Black excellence in action!🌟🎬 Our youth had an unforgettable experience at the 69th Annual NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner! ✊🏾🎉 From interviewing esteemed guests to capturing stunning photos, they had the extraordinary opportunity to practice their social justice and career readiness skills. This incredible…

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Keys 2 Life Performing Arts Summer Camp

May 22, 2024

This summer, trade screen time for stage time at the Keys 2 Life Performing Arts Summer Camp. 🎬🎤🎶 🗓️ Dates: July 1 – August 9 📍 Location: Wayne State University 🧒🏽👧🏾 Ages: 11-13 Highlights: – Weekly field trips 🌟 – Free breakfast and lunch 🥪…

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Black Men Affirm Themselves And One Another

May 21, 2024

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Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

May 17, 2024

Did you know that teen pregnancy has been trending down for the past few years? Yes, it’s true! Although this is great news, this is still an issue that plagues our youth! We must continue to spread awareness, helping youth make informed decisions for their…

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Trauma Informed Parenting

May 16, 2024

Wellness Wednesday Trauma Informed Parenting

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What Advice Would You Give To Your Younger Self?

May 16, 2024

We’ve all made mistakes in our youth, but making mistakes is apart of life! Embracing our journeys is important because these experiences help shape us into the individuals we are today!💪🏾💙 Share your advice to your younger self in the comments to inspire future generations.💫…

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