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Make Family Time a Priority

By The Yunion, Inc | December 7, 2020

Put down the phone, gather together, and create some fun, meaningful memories.

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Great Words and Perspective from our President and CEO

By The Yunion, Inc | December 3, 2020

Our Children are stressed right now, and the typical “discipline dad” and “mad mom” reactions can be mentally detrimental for them during this unprecedented time.

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Parenting Pandemic Struggles Discussion

By The Yunion, Inc | December 2, 2020

We have all been hit hard as a result of the Pandemic. Our Program Coordinator Mr. Ronald Lee Jr. is facilitating a discussion around Parenting Pandemic Struggles.

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Help The Mission

By The Yunion, Inc | December 1, 2020

Shalom everyone! Today is #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving to nonprofits. COVID-19 has made this year a very challenging one for us, but we refused to allow this pandemic to halt our mission to teach, train and transform boys in The Cave of Adullam.

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By The Yunion, Inc | December 1, 2020

Today is #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving to nonprofits. COVID-19 has made this year a very challenging one for us, but we refused to allow this pandemic to halt our mission to teach, train and transform boys in The Cave of Adullam.

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Live & Learn

By The Yunion, Inc | October 22, 2020

abstinence is still an option!

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Too Many Goals

By The Yunion, Inc | October 15, 2020

Let’s continue to work together as a community to help our children accomplish their many goals!

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Thank You To All Teachers

By The Yunion, Inc | October 13, 2020

Thank you to all of the teachers who are doing their best

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Teach Our Boys Persistence and Patience

By The Yunion, Inc | October 9, 2020

Going for goals at the wrong time can get you knocked out!

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Get it H.Y.P.E. (H.elping Y.oung P.eople E.xcel)

By The Yunion, Inc | October 8, 2020

This song was written by our Keys 2 Life students at the Matrix Family Services Center in Detroit Michigan

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