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Working For A Bigger Purpose

By The Yunion, Inc | March 7, 2020

If you’re not willing to be a Janitor for God’s people, you probably will never be qualified to lead His people.

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It’s time to live from our hearts and not their fears

By The Yunion, Inc | March 6, 2020

We cannot allow the society that sentenced us to emotional incarceration to dictate how we should escape!

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Aggression and Assertiveness

By The Yunion, Inc | March 5, 2020

It took me years of hurting myself and others before I learned the difference.

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To elavate our men into a space of manhood

By The Yunion, Inc | March 3, 2020

Inspire and empower our boys and men!

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Reflect, Release and Reset

By The Yunion, Inc | March 3, 2020

My emotions only become my enemy, when I suppress them within my inner me

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Work Hard!

By The Yunion, Inc | February 29, 2020

Sometimes you gotta say it hard, so that boys will believe they can do what’s hard!

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We are almost there!

By The Yunion, Inc | February 26, 2020

We are almost there! Prayerfully we will be able to open enrollment next month!

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By The Yunion, Inc | February 25, 2020

Instead of just telling our children what to do, let’s make time to show them how it’s done.

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Allen Iverson and Dwayne Wade showed others that it’s okay to cry like a man.

By The Yunion, Inc | February 19, 2020

It really blessed me to see two men openly grieving the loss of their beloved friend.

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Experience is the best teacher

By The Yunion, Inc | February 18, 2020

It’s a good thing to have a desire to motivate men, but it’s hypocritical when we do not pursue what we advise them to do.

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