Let’s Celebrate!
Now that it’s official, we are excited to say that our founder Jason Wilson just signed a book publishing deal to distribute his upcoming literary work worldwide!
Recently Mr Wilson was humbled when approached with a few opportunities for book publishing. His heart’s desire was to co-labor with a “ministry” that publishes books, rather than to partner with a company that publishes books. There’s a major difference between the two, and David C Cook was his choice! Since 1875, Cook has produced books in 150 languages distributed in more than 170 countries! Through their recording label, Integrity Music, over 30% of the top 500 praise and worship songs are written by Integrity artists and sung in churches around the world.
Jason’s book is a strong and at times emotionally disturbing read. It’s a linear look at his life’s journey, chronicling his healing process in a world where male tears and vulnerability are considered taboo. This book will strike a universal nerve within men everywhere with stories of fatherlessness, extreme violence, and the gentle strength of Divine reconciliation. At the end of each chapter are “Keys to Freedom”, dynamic takeaways that will help empower emotionally repressed men to escape their own generational jail cells in order to move forward into a future of restoration and power.
Pictured above with Mr Wilson is Alice Crider, Sr. Acquisitions & Development Editor and Wendi Lord, VP of Publishing.
Wilson states, “We’ve only known each other since January, but we have been spiritually connected since our meeting in Detroit. Kindred spirits indeed!”
Jason humbly asks that you’d please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers. For as the Most High expands his territory for His glory, our adversary Satan will strategically position himself to stop it (1 Peter 5:8)… but he can’t (Job 42:2).
In His Service!
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