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A Year of Tears & Cheers: A Reconfirmation of My Calling

By Jason | December 5, 2016

This morning as I meditated, God’s Spirit took me back to the years when I ran from His calling, to when I first answered His call (1990-1997). Although He confirmed through dreams, visions, His word and my fruit that He wanted me to be His voice in “the streets”, I struggled for years thinking I…

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Not Consumed

By Jason | December 2, 2016

β€œThe angel of the LORD appeared to Moses in a blazing fire from theΒ midst of a bush; and he looked and behold; theΒ bush was burningΒ with fire,Β but the bush wasΒ not consumed.” – Exodus 3:2 Have you ever felt like you were in the midst of a fire and although you couldn’t do anything to relieve the…

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Saving Our Youth

By Jason | November 23, 2016

“Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” – Yahusha HΓ‘Mashiach (Jesus Christ)/ The Great Commission One day during a conversation with one of my beautiful brothers…

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Now Available: Breaking Through Emotional Barriers

By Jason | September 29, 2016

Jason Wilson has spent 14 years helping African-American boys become men. It was a viral video of a session at his Cave of Adullam Transformational Training Academy (CATTA) in Detroit, however, that got the nation to take immediate notice of his amazing work. What is new to America, though, is tenured and tested to Wilson.…

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Emotional Release & Rest for Men

By Jason | September 28, 2016

Since our second videoΒ went viral globally, I’ve received literally hundreds of emails, messages and calls from men across the world who are hurting from not being able to say they are hurting. My BMe Community brother Odis Bellinger was accurate when he stated, β€œMen are in need of an emotional enema.” Yes we are warriors,…

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GoFundMe: Saving Boys

By Jason | August 3, 2016

Shalom! We are truly blown away by the outpouring of love and encouragement we have received since our videoΒ “Working Through Emotional Barriers”Β wentΒ viral! Β It’s beyond encouraging to hear your heartfelt phone calls, read your thought-provoking emails, and receive your sacrificial donations.Β  It’s not only spiritually sobering to receive over $22,000Β of donations in 5Β days, but also deeply…

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Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

By Jason | February 14, 2016

I’ve been mentoring youth since 2003 through the Yunion, a non profit organization that serves youth and families in Metro Detroit. In 2008 I created theΒ Cave of Adullam male character strengthening system to help black boys and young men overcome unresolved anger, ADHD symptoms, the father wound and fear.Β  I was very encouraged when President…

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Quick Start, Not Quick Finish

By Jason | December 14, 2015

This morning at the gym I planned to do my typical 10 minute mile of cardio on the Elliptical machine, but as soon as I started moving, the Lord says, β€œToday I want you to do cardio until the timer stops.” I was hoping the timer was automatically set for 30 minutes, but it wasn’t.…

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Reclaiming God’s Rest from Your Grind

By Jason | November 14, 2015

I originally recorded this video devotion for men because so many of us are literally dying from the grind of life. However after recording, it became evident, that this message is for both genders. I pray this short video devotion will expose the schemes of the evil one, that causes all of us to grind…

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The Lack of Sexual Self Control

By Jason | November 12, 2015

Now David’s son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Tamar. And Amnon, her half brother, fell desperately in love with her. Amnon became so obsessed with Tamar that he became ill. – 2 Samuel 13:1-2 Many of us men have become so obsessed with the “freedom” of being promiscuous, that we willingly allow our evil…

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